Explaining Adrenal Fatigue and a Green Smoothie

Explaining Adrenal Fatigue and a Green Smoothie


Explaining Adrenal Fatigue And A Green Smoothie behind Baby Spinach, Coconut Water, Orange, Pineapple, Cauliflower Florets, buoyant Turmeric, Flax Oil, Herbs

The ingredient of Explaining Adrenal Fatigue and a Green Smoothie

  1. 2 cups baby spinach fresh
  2. 1 cup coconut water unsweetened
  3. 1 orangey peeled
  4. 2 cups pineapple cubed, roomy or frozen
  5. 1 cup cauliflower florets frozen
  6. 1 tablespoon roomy turmeric or 1 teaspoon arena turmeric
  7. 2 tablespoons flax oil
  8. herbs Optional: adaptogenic, see notes

The instruction how to make Explaining Adrenal Fatigue and a Green Smoothie

Nutritions of Explaining Adrenal Fatigue and a Green Smoothie

calories: 320 calories
carbohydrateContent: 47 grams
fatContent: 14 grams
fiberContent: 10 grams
proteinContent: 6 grams
saturatedFatContent: 1.5 grams
sodiumContent: 170 milligrams
sugarContent: 21 grams

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