Telur Bumbu Bali - Eggs in Balinese Sauce

Telur Bumbu Bali - Eggs in Balinese Sauce


Telur Bumbu Bali - Eggs In Balinese Sauce past Oil, Liquid, Lemongrass, Bay Leaves, Kaffir Lime Leaves, Salt, Palm Sugar, Hard Boiled Eggs, Sweet Soy Sauce, Spice Paste, Shallots, Chili Peppers, Garlic, Candlenuts, Ginger, Galangal, Shrimp bonding agent

The ingredient of Telur Bumbu Bali - Eggs in Balinese Sauce

  1. 3 tablespoons oil
  2. 1 tablespoon liquid tamarind, 1 tablespoon water + 1 teaspoon tamarind, Indonesian: asam Jawa
  3. 1 lemongrass Indonesian: sereh, bruised and knotted
  4. 2 bay leaves Indonesian: daun salam
  5. 2 kaffir lime leaves Indonesian: daun jeruk
  6. 1/2 teaspoon salt
  7. 1 1/2 teaspoons palm sugar Indonesian: gula Jawa
  8. 8 hard boiled eggs
  9. 2 tablespoons sweet soy sauce Indonesian: kecap manis
  10. spice paste Grind the following into
  11. 8 shallots Indonesian: bawang merah
  12. 8 chili peppers red cayenne, Indonesian: cabe merah keriting
  13. 2 cloves garlic Indonesian: bawang putih
  14. 5 candlenuts Indonesian: kemiri
  15. 1 inch ginger Indonesian: jahe
  16. 1 inch galangal Indonesian: lengkuas
  17. 1 teaspoon shrimp paste toasted, Indonesian: terasi bakar

The instruction how to make Telur Bumbu Bali - Eggs in Balinese Sauce

Nutritions of Telur Bumbu Bali - Eggs in Balinese Sauce

calories: 280 calories
carbohydrateContent: 26 grams
cholesterolContent: 225 milligrams
fatContent: 15 grams
proteinContent: 14 grams
saturatedFatContent: 3 grams
sodiumContent: 690 milligrams
sugarContent: 1 grams

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